

Palm Tree Radio Station

Palm Tree Radio Station
レコードジャケットに入っていた頃の日本語訳の歌詞カード。 明朝体の小さな字で書かれている日本語訳を参考に聞いたポップスやジャズ。 英語とその訳から頭で描く風景や主人公の心情。 “へー! これって英語でこういうんだ”とアメリカに夢中になった頃。 そのころの日本語訳はそれだけで英語の言葉にまけない詞になっていたような気がする。 最近の訳ってどうなんだ? “これって、直訳?” “これってコンピューターを使って日本語にしたのかな”って思う訳ばかり。 その英語の言葉の裏にある意味が見えてない。 歌詞の一行一行聞きながら、そしてその人の思っている意味を一緒に考えながらその歌を英語で聞いてみないか? 
第一回はジャックジョンソンの歌で、Banana Pancakes  今日はジャックの紹介だけ。
まず始めにJack Johnsonのbio (biography)
Jack Johnson was born on May 18, 1975, in Oahu, Hawaii.  The son of legendary surfer Jeff Johnson, young Jack took to the water like his father as well as older brothers, and was a regular on the surfboard by the age of 5.
In 1992, Johnson made history when the 17-year-old became the youngest surfer to reach the finals of the Pipeline Masters in Oahu.  It essentially served as the peak of his competitive surfing career.
Shortly after falling short of winning the competition, Johnson suffered a gruesome surfing accident when he careened a coral reef and severely cut up his face.
Jack quit pro surfing because of a nearly fatal accident.  Before that, he surfed every day.  He grew up in Hawaii, where his whole family surfed, including his father, famous surfer Jeff Johnson.
He started out by making surfing videos and creating his own music to serve as background music.
People began bootlegging his stuff, so he took music more seriously.  Before his music took off, he had a  sponsorship from Quiksilver for surfing gear.
After graduating from high school, Johnson enrolled at the University of California at Santa Barbara, where met his future wife, Kim, and took to writing his own music in the hopes that he could impress her.
Married in 2000, they have two sons and a daughter together in Oahu. Johnson is passionate about environmentalism.
Jack Johnsonのbio (biography)
1 bio, biography: 略歴・人物紹介
2 bioには生物学の意味もあるがbiologyの省略である。-logyは学問、-logistは学者を意味する。
Jack Johnson was born on May 18, 1975, in Oahu, Hawaii.  The son of legendary surfer Jeff Johnson, young Jack took to the water like his father as well as older brothers, and was a regular on the surfboard by the age of 5.
1 legendary: 伝説荷なるぐらい有名な                         2 take to:  ~を好きになる、~に没頭する
3 regular: 常連                                                         4 by the age of ~: ~歳までには
In 1992, Johnson made history when the 17-year-old became the youngest surfer to reach the finals of the Pipeline Masters in Oahu.  It essentially served as the peak of his competitive surfing career.
1 17-year-old: 各語の間にハイフンを入れて一つの形容詞としてえ使う。その時は複数でもyearにはSをつけない。
 例)a 17-year-old boy 17歳の少年 ここではtheをつけることによって名詞として扱っている。
2 essentially:  本質的に                                       3 serve as ~: ~である
4 competitive: 他に負けない competitionの形容詞    5 career: 経歴
Shortly after falling short of winning the competition, Johnson suffered a gruesome surfing accident when he careened a coral reef and severely cut up his face.
1 shortly after ~: ~したすぐ後に                                  2 fall short of ~: ~に届かない  前置詞afterの目的語は動名詞
3 suffer: ~を被る    4 gruesome: 身震いするほど恐ろしい         5 careen: すごいスピードで進む 
6 coral reef: 珊瑚礁        7 severly:  激しく
Jack quit pro surfing because of a nearly fatal accident.  Before that, he surfed every day.  He grew up in Hawaii, where his whole family surfed, including his father, famous surfer Jeff Johnson.
1 fatal accident: 致命的な事故    2 whereは非制限用法の関係副詞
He started out by making surfing videos and creating his own music to serve as background music.
1 前置詞byの目的語だから動名詞( makingとcreatingの2つ)
People began bootlegging his stuff, so he took music more seriously.  Before his music took off, he had a  sponsorship from Quiksilver for surfing gear.
1 bootleg: 不正コピーをして売る                  2 stuffとstaffの違い:物と人  3 take off: 人気が出る
4 sponsorship: 後援              5 surfing gear: 用具一式
After graduating from high school, Johnson enrolled at the University of California at Santa Barbara, where met his future wife, Kim, and took to writing his own music in the hopes that he could impress her.
1 graduate from ~: ~を卒業する  2 enroll: enroll in とenroll at ~に入学する
3 take to writing ~: ~を書くことに没頭する  4 impress: ~の心を打つ
Married in 2000, they have two sons and a daughter together in Oahu. Johnson is passionate about environmentalism.
1 be passionate about ~: ~に熱心である    2 environmentalism: 環境保護主義